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Newborn Baby

Available Inventory May Vary

As you can imagine, inventory frequently changes.  We are unable to reserve or hold products without payment.  We welcome you to reach out to confirm we have your preferred item(s) in stock.


There are many reasons when rental breastpumps are recommended and often preferred to provide optimal stimulation to help protect and establish your milk supply. 

Here are a few examples of when rental pumps are commonly used:

  • Premature or hospitalized infants

  • Low milk supply

  • Latching difficulties

  • Exclusive pumping

  • Re-lactating or induced lactation

  • Medical conditions when exclusive breastfeeding is not possible

  • Need for improved stimulation and milk removal capabilities

  • When you don't have use of your personal double electric pump, ie: when traveling, waiting for your insurance pump to arrive, needing better pumping results, etc.

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